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Tag: Context

Last Among Equals: Power, Caste & Politics in Bihar’s Villages

Last Among Equals: Power, Caste & Politics in Bihar’s Villages by M.R Sharan Publisher: Context (2021) Last Among Equals by M.R. Sharan is a riveting eye-opener on...


Whole Numbers And Half Truths: What Data Can And Cannot...

Whole Numbers And Half Truths: What Data Can And Cannot Tell Us About Modern India by Rukmini S. Publisher: Context (2021) For a book of non-fiction,...


Sebastian and Sons: A Brief History of Mrdangam Makers

Sebastian and Sons: A Brief History of Mrdangam Makers by T.M Krishna Publisher: Context (2020) I first heard the title Sebastian and Sons when TM Krishna visited...


A Full Circle



Are Your Emotions Like Mine?

Bangalore Blues

Before Goddess

Before We Visit the Goddess

Bombay Balchao

Breaking Free: A Novel