A Full Circle


A Full Circle
by Namrita Bachchan
Publisher: Harper Design (2022)

“A Full Circle” by Namrita Bachchan can be best defined as a poem which reinstates what most adults have forgotten over time. Through the lens of a child, it helps us look back and understand how detached we are from our daily activities. Every page is a constant realisation of how we may have forgotten to live life. Sometimes it is the playfulness and innocence of a child that helps us reflect what we may have lost.

In the competitive rut, most people have lost their ability to dream. With the constant battle of who is leading the imaginary rat race, we humans have denied ourselves sound sleep, and all good things which result from it. Sometimes it takes a child’s perspective to shake us up, and the phrase, “the fuller I dream, the truer I shine” is very impactful because somewhere along the journey, most adults have forgotten to dream. We adults dream of bigger offices, bigger cars, but not for heartier laughs and wider smiles.

“the more, I read, the more I delight”, from the poem is aptly suited for today’s environment, where we may read profusely, but may have also forgotten the joy and delight it brings with it.

The poem is about hope, and trying to better ourselves for the next generation where they do not forget the beauty of life, joy of a good book, a free mind, the ability to shine, think big and constantly trying to be a better human, in their own ways. Sometimes we have to turn to the younger minds to understand what all we have lost.

The art work along with the poem justifies the essence of the point that Bachchan is trying to drive. It is playful yet effective, for children and adults to appreciate the beauty of the simple things in life. The book has been successful at ensuring that we as adults, at least momentarily, go back to our innocence and relive it through the eyes of an innocent child. I highly recommend A Full Circle because it allows us to reflect so many aspects of our life that we have simply forgotten.


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