Home Tags Coming of Age

Tag: Coming of Age

Misfit Madhu

Misfit Madhu by Divya Anand Publisher: Penguin Random House ‘Misfit Madhu’ is an excellent saga of class VII student Madhu who went on to become ‘Maker Madhu’...


The Coward And The Sword

The Coward And The Sword by Jugal Hansraj Publisher: Harper Children's “A sword is useless in the hands of a coward” - Nichiren Daishonin and Granduncle Shonin...


Maithili and the Minotaur: Web of Woe

Maithili and the Minotaur: Web of Woe by C.G Salamander and Rajiv Eipe Publisher: Puffin (2021) Whenever a blurb on the back of a children’s book says...


What’s Wrong with You, Karthik?

What's Wrong with You, Karthik? by Siddhartha Vaidyanathan Publisher: Picador India (2020) Journeys to oft beaten paths almost always offer us that deja vu, that familiarity but...


The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini Publisher: Riverhead Books (2003) The Kite Runner is a historical fiction written by Khaled Hosseini. Set in in the 70s in...


A Full Circle



Are Your Emotions Like Mine?

Bangalore Blues

Before Goddess

Before We Visit the Goddess

Bombay Balchao

Breaking Free: A Novel