Home Tags AG BLF Children’s Non-Fiction

Tag: AG BLF Children’s Non-Fiction

Journey To The Edge Of The Earth: True Adventure Of Naval...

Journey To The Edge Of The Earth: True Adventure Of Naval Officer Abhilash Tomy by Joeanna Rebello Fernandes and Cdr. Abhilash Tomy publisher: Penguin (2022) Circumnavigation: this...


India’s Freedom Story

India's Freedom Story by Ira Saxena and Nilima Sinha Publisher: Harper Collins (2021) I was long overdue in catching up with this part of India’s...


Cadet No. 1 And Other Amazing Women In The Armed Forces

Cadet No. 1 And Other Amazing Women In The Armed Forces by Maya Chandrasekaran Publisher: Harper Children's Cadet No. 1 and other amazing women in the armed...


Naturalist Ruddy: Adventurer. Sleuth. Mongoose.

Naturalist Ruddy: Adventurer. Sleuth. Mongoose. by Rohan Chakravarty Publisher: Penguin (2021) If you are hoping for a tiny mongoose to climb through your sofa and walk seductively...


Amma, Take Me to the Taj Mahal

AMMA, TAKE ME TO THE TAJ MAHAL by Bhakti Mathur Publisher: Puffin (2022) Bhakti Mathur is a former banker who now juggles time between writing, yoga and...


A Full Circle



Are Your Emotions Like Mine?

Bangalore Blues

Before Goddess

Before We Visit the Goddess

Bombay Balchao

Breaking Free: A Novel