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Tag: Heritage

Bangalore Blues

Bangalore Blues by Kirtana Kumar Published: 2023 When you get hold of Bangalore Blues, the ‘lore’ printed in blue shouts for attention. The book aims to be...


Amma, Take Me to the Taj Mahal

AMMA, TAKE ME TO THE TAJ MAHAL by Bhakti Mathur Publisher: Puffin (2022) Bhakti Mathur is a former banker who now juggles time between writing, yoga and...


Bombay Balchao

Bombay Balchao by Jane Borges Publisher: Tranquebar (2019) We’ve been told not to judge a book by its cover but when the cover is as animated as...


A Full Circle



Are Your Emotions Like Mine?

Bangalore Blues

Before Goddess

Before We Visit the Goddess

Bombay Balchao

Breaking Free: A Novel