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Tag: Harper Collins

Chronicles of the Lost Daughters

Chronicles of the Lost Daughters by Debarati Mukhopadhyay, translated by Arunava Sinha Publsiher: Harper Collins India (2022) Renowned author, civil servant, and an inspiration to many, Debarati...


Valli: A Novel

Valli:A Novel by Sheela Tomy, Translated by Jayasree Kalathil Publsiher: Harper Perennial In language as lush as the landscape it describes, Valli is a powerful ecofeminist lament,...


Why Men Rape: An Indian Undercover Investigation

Why Men Rape: An Indian Undercover Investigation Publisher: Harper Collins Tara Kaushal At the outset of “Why Men Rape” Tara Kaushal throws in a shocking revelation that...


A Full Circle



Are Your Emotions Like Mine?

Bangalore Blues

Before Goddess

Before We Visit the Goddess

Bombay Balchao

Breaking Free: A Novel