Team “a” Productions is back on popular demand with the 24th edition of its ensemble “Chaw Chaw Bath”. The unique blend of different art forms viz. Plays, monologues, Poetry, Stand-up Comedy, Mime and Storytelling is what define Chaw Chaw Bath’s popularity among audiences of various genres and interests. The stage is flavored by a host of emotions spread across the performances, guaranteeing wholesome entertainment. This time around, we bring you a true mélange of lingual diversity in the cultural amalgamation of Chaw Chaw Bath!
Poetry: A poetry reading session to stir up your soul. After all, we dream of a world where the mind is without fear and knowledge is free.
Play (English): In this play, you will watch the protagonist struggle to keep his ego aside to take that step to a moment of realization where he knows exactly what he wants. Does he reach her, or does he run out of time?
Monologue (English): The master of monologue indulged in the past event and how the memories are put together in bits and pieces with mixed feelings.
Standup Comedy – English and Hindi: Headlining this rib-tickling experience like no other.