The story world has a new station called Loonypuram. A place where kings and queens, animals and birds, characters from books and cartoons all come alive. And what’s more, they each have a problem that is sillier and loonier than the other.
Suitable for 1-5 years.
About the Facilitator:
Aparna Jaishankar has worn many hats in her life as a corporate trainer, eco awareness campaigner, dabbler of art forms, but the most soul satisfying of them all is her Storyteller’s hat. As a teller of tales, she believes in sparking young children`s imagination through rhythms, songs and kinesthetic storytelling.
About AG Book Galatta:
AG Bookalatta is a festival of emotional bonds between adults and children with books. It is an effort to expand and nourish children’s consciousness, and planning it has inspired us to dream. So mark your calendars for a magical journey into the world of books and imagination. Join us at AG Book Galatta on Nov 4th and 5th for a spectacular children’s fest filled with stories, adventures, and endless fun!