
   Aavirbhaav Naatya Manch



Aavirbhaav Naatya Manch

14-Apr | 07:00 pm

One park. Three men. Three Benches and yet not enough space for all. Manav Kaul`s "Park" delves into the complicated relationship of humans with space. Who has the better right on the space? The ones who need it for convenience or the ones who have a history associated or the ones who actually occupy it now? Why are men ready to wage wars for a mere piece of land? Is it a matter of power, history, pride or just plain greed? Through the lens of the park, Manav Kaul offers a commentary on the human condition, prompting the audience to reflect on their own lives and relationships. Read More..


Aavirbhaav Naatya Manch

31-Aug | 04:30 pm
31-Aug | 07:00 pm

One park. Three men. Three Benches and yet not enough space for all. Manav Kaul’s "Park" delves into the complicated relationship of humans with space. Who has the better right on the space? The ones who need it for convenience or the ones who have a history associated or the ones who actually occupy it now? Why are men ready to wage wars for a mere piece of land? Is it a matter of power, history, pride or just plain greed? Through the lens of the park, Manav Kaul offers a commentary on the human condition, prompting the audience to reflect on their own lives and relation Read More..

Duhhh..It's Called A Play
An Introduction to Theatre

Aavirbhaav Naatya Manch

08-Jan | 11:00 am

This workshop is perfect for freshers and novices who are curious about the magical (and playful) world of theatre. If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to be on stage, express yourself freely, or just let loose and have fun, this is your chance to dive in! Theatre is not just about delivering lines or acting dramatic; it’s about embracing the art of PLAY! This 3-hour workshop is an introduction to the lighter, creative, and liberating side of theatre. Step into a space where rules are bent, laughter flows, and you can rediscover the joy of being in the moment. With a m Read More..

Duhhh..It's Called A Play
Introductory Theatre Workshop

Aavirbhaav Naatya Manch

08-Feb | 11:00 am

This workshop is perfect for freshers and novices who are curious about the magical (and playful) world of theatre. If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to be on stage, express yourself freely, or just let loose and have fun, this is your chance to dive in! Theatre is not just about delivering lines or acting dramatic; it’s about embracing the art of PLAY! This 3-hour workshop is an introduction to the lighter, creative, and liberating side of theatre. Step into a space where rules are bent, laughter flows, and you can rediscover the joy of being in the moment. With a m Read More..

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