
   Janani Murali


A Goddess's Dream
Dance Theatre Performance

Janani Murali

25-Nov | 07:00 pm

In a world where chaos dominates, finding calm and going inward can be a challenge. And yet so many people manage to do it. As a Woman, I find that this tryst with chaos raises several questions. So I set out to seek answers - I meet with other women, some real and some fictitious. And I meet you... and..."   Read More..

Kummi, Subbu, and Other Stories
Dance-Storytelling Performance

Janani Murali

19-May | 04:30 pm

Do you know how the lovely Kummi originated? Or what Subramanya Bharathi has to do with Me? From a Queen mysteriously disappearing to a pot of unending nectar that found its way into my hands, I bring to you the world of Tamil Literature - from the Sangam era to the Here and Now. A dance-storytelling in English for the entire family... And it’s funny how it all becomes Our Story. KUMMI, SUBBU and Other Stories is a solo dance-storytelling piece for children and adults alike. Loosely based on the 'kummi' song written by Mahakavi Subramanya Bharathi, this piece travels from B Read More..

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