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Tag: AG BLF Prize

Minor Disturbances at Grand Life Apartments

A WARM, SPICY NOSTALGIA-CAKE STRAIGHT FROM CHENNAI— Review of Minor Disturbances at Grand Life Apartments by Hema Sukumar Publisher: Coronet (2023) (This is a spoiler-free review) In...


Tears of the Begums: Stories of Survivors of the Uprising of...

Tears of the Begums: Stories of Survivors of the Uprising of 1857 by Khwaja Hasan Nizami, Translated by Rana Safvi Publisher: Hatchette India First published in 1922,...


Amma, Take Me to the Taj Mahal

AMMA, TAKE ME TO THE TAJ MAHAL by Bhakti Mathur Publisher: Puffin (2022) Bhakti Mathur is a former banker who now juggles time between writing, yoga and...



Undertow by Jahnavi Barua Publisher: Viking Penguin (2020) “The city was to be shut down. Normal life was to be suspended.” Jahnavi Barua’s Undertow begins with an uncanny...


Sebastian and Sons: A Brief History of Mrdangam Makers

Sebastian and Sons: A Brief History of Mrdangam Makers by T.M Krishna Publisher: Context (2020) I first heard the title Sebastian and Sons when TM Krishna visited...


The Unquiet River: A Biography of the Brahmaputra

The Unquiet River: A Biography of the Brahmaputra by Arupjyoti Saikia Publisher: Oxford University Press (2019) I was horrible at Geography in school. "Mark the Western Ghats...


The Alchemy of Secrets

The Alchemy of Secrets by Priya Balasubramanian Publisher: Tranquebar (2020) When I was given a choice by Atta Galatta to select a book to review, the Bangalorean...


What’s Wrong with You, Karthik?

What's Wrong with You, Karthik? by Siddhartha Vaidyanathan Publisher: Picador India (2020) Journeys to oft beaten paths almost always offer us that deja vu, that familiarity but...



Hijab by Guruprasad Kaginele, translated from the Kannada by Pavan N. Rao Publisher: Simon & Schuster India (2020) My name is Guru. That is not my given...


Why Men Rape: An Indian Undercover Investigation

Why Men Rape: An Indian Undercover Investigation Publisher: Harper Collins Tara Kaushal At the outset of “Why Men Rape” Tara Kaushal throws in a shocking revelation that...


A Full Circle



Are Your Emotions Like Mine?

Bangalore Blues

Before Goddess

Before We Visit the Goddess

Bombay Balchao

Breaking Free: A Novel